Archive | March, 2011

You Capture – Vibrance

30 Mar

I was sort of at a loss when I saw the You Capture Theme last week. . . Vibrance?  Really?  But then after I spent an hour or so photographing the carousel (and trying this fish eye thing for the first time). . . I decided that would match the theme just fine. . .


Disgusting, but a little National Geographic-ish

28 Mar

As I was watering my stump of a fig tree, I noticed this thing of beauty on the fence.  Pretty gross, yeah?

A little tongue

22 Mar

I couldn’t help it. . . but I promise that this is (probably) the last cow picture for a while.  Isn’t she just adorable?


22 Mar

project64 button

Dad and sofas

16 Mar

What we learn this week is that photos of my dad on a sofa (and thoughts of Kristyn) tug at my heart.  I never did get around to taking any emotional photos this week. . . so, for once, the only time ever, I went digging around to see if I could find any photos that I had saved that conveyed the two You Capture topics, emotions and black and white.  So, without further ado, my favorite picture of me and dad (converted from 1970s orange to B & W) . . . and below that, two photos taken by my cousin, Kristyn, of Dad and Leighton. 
