Archive | March, 2016

It’s Been Nine Months

31 Mar

When I logged on just now, I was notified that it’s been nine months since I published a post. . . that’s not so surprising since our little foster bundle of joy has been with us for the last 13 months. . . and it was probably right around 9 months ago that he became mobile.  VERY MOBILE.

It’s also been 6 years that we’ve been in our house now.  I think.  6 years sounds right, right?

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In those 6 years, this house hasn’t seen a lot of repairs and updates like we’d originally planned, but it’s seen two precious kiddos come and go, and one who is still with us. . . getting a picture of the house without him running through the yard is sort of a noteworthy feat. . . just sayin’. . . . We’ve had birthday parties, Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas mornings. . . one Christmas morning there were so many people in the house, we had Alex’s nephew sleeping in the living room when Santa left his presents under the tree and in his stocking. . .

I obsessed and obsessed some more about how to set up the room for foster kids, not knowing what age or gender we would have stay with us.  I know that nesting is normal, and setting up the room for kids is necessary when you’re getting certified, but our first two kiddos were with us for such a short time, and at 14 months old, little man hardly cares what his room looks like . . . although he was VERY excited about the picture of St. Francis (and a cat and a dog) that I brought home last weekend.  Dogs are his FAVORITE right now, unless it’s a real dog, and that real dog is in the same yard as him.

In these six years, I’ve changed jobs once. . . and I think that I’ve parked three different vehicles in that driveway.  One was traded in, but the other was destroyed in a not at all horrible accident.  There used to be cows next door and sometimes in our front yard, but now it is sadly an empty pasture.  Some neighbors have left, but others have stayed and become close friends.

In so many ways, life has changed, but in the important ways, it’s stayed the same.  There is still love in our home, and food in the pantry.  We welcome family when we can, and good friends are always welcome.  That makes it sound like family isn’t always welcome.  That’s really not the case.  Family is welcome too.  We didn’t mean anything by it when we traded that queen size bed in little man’s room in for a twin. . . really.

Here’s looking forward to another year of . . . I want to say home cooked meals and good times, but let’s be honest, little man is 14 months old!  And I work at least 40 hours a week.  And I’m tired at night.  Home cooking isn’t really happening THAT much.  But good times are!
