Archive | October, 2011

Happy Halloween

31 Oct

So, what about this creepy scarecrow makes you feel like drinking? Yeah. . . me neither.  Umm, happy Halloween?


A Doctor Visit and Man Clothes

28 Oct

Lots of exciting things have been happening in my craft room lately. . . you know, in the spare moments after work, before dinner, between breakfast and my commute. . . when I can. . .  However, the most exciting thing is that Alex and I brought my Singer Stylist 513 in for repairs and maintenance.  She’s finally getting her check up!  I can’t believe that it’s taken me this long to get around to doing it. 

In other sewing news, I’ve started to sew my first article of men’s clothing ever.  EVER.  Yep.  My, still unnamed, manequin must be in shock at this sudden wardrobe change. 

It’s not finished yet, because finishing will require me to use a buttonhole attachment for the first time EVER, and I’m honestly a bit intimidated.  Not scared so much really. . . more like concerned and accepting of the fact that I may have to devote more than five minutes to learning how to use it.  I am very proud of how this shirt is turning out, though.  You will notice that all of the patterns of the fabric are facing in the right direction.  It’s sad that it doesn’t take more than that for me to be proud of an almost finished garment.  Now, for a short review of the pattern?  This is McCall’s 2149.  If I remember correctly, it was touted as an easy pattern, and it hasn’t been overwhelmingly difficult, but some of the assembly doesn’t make much sense to me.  I think the most glaring example of this is the sleeve attachment.  It’s sewn onto the garment before the side of the shirt is stitched. . . and then after the sleeve is attached to the shirt, you sew the sleeve and the side of the shirt closed at the same time.  Other than that, the sewing directions were very easy to follow.  The sizing is a bit off.  I ended up having to take the shirt up a LOT. . . the shoulder seam was much lower than it ought to have been.  But, with those little changes, it is looking good.  I’ll get an action shot when it’s done. . .

For Old Times’ Sake

26 Oct

I know that it’s blurry and pretty horrible overall, but I sure do love my cows. . .


Multicultural Love

11 Oct

I found this when I walked into my room today.  I swear that I did not leave these two lovebirds facing each other. . .

Now we’re getting somewhere

10 Oct